
Hi, I’m Julie!

I grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA, where as a child, I thought it was fun to clean out the refrigerator and organize the pantry in my parents’ kitchen. My love of organizing has served me well throughout my adult life.  Between high school graduation and settling into my current home, where I have been for fourteen years, I have moved over 24 times, and in the process I have become an expert in the field of moving, (both in AND out), streamlining, and setting up systems of organization. I hold a Masters degree in Holistic Health from JFK University, and have long been dedicated to leading a healthy lifestyle. Before I became a mom in 2005, I ran my own successful business in the Natural foods industry. 

After my second child was born in 2007, I decided to be a full time mother, while doing some organizing on the side.  In 2017,  I turned my passion into my career, and launched Clean Slate Home Organizing. I feel that Clean Slate is the natural evolution of everything that I have been doing my whole life. My belief is that simplifying and organizing one’s home is the key to living a peaceful, less stressful existence. My mission is to help people find ways to transform their personal space, whether that is a linen closet, a pantry, or their entire house, along with their habits, from how they shop for food, to the systems they have in place that will transform their home into a sanctuary. At my core, I am happiest when I am helping people. The mission of Clean Slate is to leave my clients with a deep sense of peace, calm and satisfaction.